Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) apply rules to the industry which firms need to abide by when marketing and advertising products. An example of a rule set by the ASA is that “Marketing communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful.” To ensure I abide by this rule I shall use content for my posters that fit the overall theme of my show, so it is not misleading towards the audience. I shall also follow the rest of the rules set by the ASA.
TV channels generally are keen to display reality television shows because they can appeal to a wide range of audiences and there is a lot of flexibility within the genre. E4 broadcast reality television often which is likely due to its popularity. Due to some of the content broadcasted in these shows some reality television programmes are only valid to be broadcasted within the watershed (which starts at 9pm). My reality television show will be broadcasted at 9pm because the target audience are most likely going to be watching television at this time and age groups which aren’t suited (due to swearing etc) i.e. children will not be awake to watch it.
My idea is based upon a group of ‘normal people’ (who are not celebrities) living in a villa and competing in day to day challenges whilst also living a luxurious life in the villa. The twist is that the producers have access to secret passages and advanced technology to play tricks on the contestants whilst they will have no idea, and contestants receive more freedom and rewards when winning challenges. For example, a contestant may get to visit a local landmark with another contestant as a reward to get a break from the villa. The slightly older contestants entering the villa (aged 30-40) may not be very aware and may be represented as naïve towards the technology used because stereotypically older people are not as aware of the advancing technology. However, the younger contestants (aged 18-25) will be more aware that tricks are being played. This portrays the target audiences age group in a positive light as it represents them as being very aware, intelligent and shows a contrast between the understanding of the two age groups.
The primary target audience for my reality television show are 16-25-year olds (the mass market). However, the secondary target audience are adults aged 25-40 due to the sense of escapism they can achieve by watching a group of contestants in a villa after a day’s work. My posters will be made to fit the target audience and to appeal to them as much as possible. Throughout my four posters I will keep a minimalistic theme. People used in the images will have good fashion senses and wear outfits which the primary target audience would likely wear themselves. I will also use a small number of colours within my colour scheme and a simple font. Overall, I will think carefully about the layout, images, font, colour scheme and taglines to fit my target audience. Also, I will present my posters in two sets. Therefore, I will use a layout which I create for two posters and create another for the other two posters.   



